Absolut Blue 700ml
Ballantine’s Whisky
Chivas Regal
Ciroc Vodka 750mL
- Miniature Trio of 3 x 5cl Bottles of Ciroc Premium French Vodka, Ciroc Pineapple and Ciroc Red Berry.
- Made exclusively from top-quality Mauzac Blanc and Ugni Blanc grapes for an exquisitely smooth, fresh and innovative vodka experience.
- Distilled five times over, a smooth palate, slightly sweetened and enriched by the natural character of the grapes, with a clean crisp finish.
- Ciroc Pineapple has a palate of succulent and juicy Pineapple with subtle hints of Vanilla.
- Ciroc Red Berry has a sweet bouquet of ripe red berry and jam, with a juicy and sharp red berry palate.
Dom Perignon Brut
Glenfiddich Scotch Whisky
In 1886, William Grant fulfilled a lifelong ambition by building his own distillery. He named it Glenfiddich, Gaelic for Valley of the Deer, and on Christmas Day 1887 the first drop flowed from the stills. Today, still owned bt William Grant’s family, Glenfiddich is the world’s leading single malt. Its 12 years maturation in the finest Oloroso sherry and bourbon casks, prior to being married together in oak tuns, creates a smoother harmonious taste.
Grant’s Scotch
Grants – Select Reserve Scotch Whiskey – 750ml
Grants is an iconic blended Scotch whisky brand from William Grant and Sons. The Select Reserve Whisky is an extraordinary amalgamation of some of the finest whiskies. It is a rare brew that embraces a matchless combination ofsweet, rich and peat tastes in a single liquid. The end result is a distinct, multi-layered complexity that sets it apart. Subtle at first, then it reveals its rich, sweet, smoky character. Layers of fresh apples, pears and a little peach are swathed in creamy vanilla. Then comes the smoke. A gentle, lingering smoke reminiscent of beach BBQs, sophisticated and refined.
– Grants is an iconic blended Scotch whisky brand from William Grant and Sons
– The end result is a distinct, multi-layered complexity that sets it apart
lt;div>– Weight: 0.75kg
– Size: 750ml
– Material: Glass