Showing all 10 results

Chittagong Cobb Broiler Hatching Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Chittagong Cobb
Purpose Specifically bred for meat production with a focus on fast growth and feed efficiency
Hatchability Rate Typically around 80%, depending on environmental and management conditions
Egg Size Medium to large, designed for optimal incubation outcomes
Growth Rate Reaches market weight in approximately 42-49 days, known for high feed conversion efficiency
Market Adaptability Suitable for diverse farming environments, including both intensive and extensive systems

Cobb 500 Hatching/Table Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Cobb 500
Purpose Bred for efficient meat production, focusing on growth rate and feed efficiency
Hatchability Rate Approximately 85%, subject to management practices and environmental conditions
Egg Size Medium to large, optimized for high-quality chick production
Growth Performance Reaches market weight in about 42-49 days, exhibiting excellent feed conversion ratios
Health Profile Known for strong disease resistance and adaptability to various farming conditions

Cobb 500 Organic Fertilized Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Cobb 500
Production Method Organic farming practices
Egg Size Large, optimal for healthy embryo development
Fertility Rate High, typically around 90% under optimal conditions
Growth Performance Produces fast-growing, efficient meat birds
Nutritional Profile Enhanced nutritional value due to organic feeding, rich in essential minerals and vitamins

Cobb Male Fertilized Hatching Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Cobb 500 Male
Purpose Designed for optimal breeding performance and high fertility rates
Egg Size Large, providing adequate nutrients for embryo development
Fertility Rate High fertility rates, typically above 90% under ideal management conditions
Growth Performance Sires offspring that mature quickly, reaching market weight efficiently
Health Profile Exhibits strong immune resistance and adaptability to various production environments

Hatching Chicken Eggs Cobb 500 Wholesale

  • Fast conversion rate “The speed in converting the feed that the Cobb 500 consumes during breeding into meat”.
  • High conversion rate “High conversion value compared to other types so that the Cobb 500 converts the feed it consumes during the breeding process into meat at a high rate”.
  • Resistant to widespread diseases that spread during breeding.
  • Low breeding costs for chicken meat production.
  • It is the most cost-effective in terms of feed.
  • Broiler homogeneous, chunky chest, full of meat
  • Competitive value in breeding compared to other types.
  • Competitive value inbreeding. (Higher productivity and less growth of fattening period)

Ross 308 / Broiler Hatching Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Ross 308
Purpose Optimized for high meat yield and efficient growth in broilers
Hatchability Rate Approximately 77-80% under optimal conditions
Egg Size Medium to large, suitable for commercial incubation
Growth Rate Fast maturing, reaching market weight in about 35-42 days
Environmental Adaptability High adaptability to various management systems and climates

Ross 308 AP Broiler Hatching Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Ross 308 AP
Purpose Fast-growing broilers with low-cost production and high meat yield
Hatchability High, depending on flock management and environmental factors
Feathering Feather-sexable, simplifying broiler management
Egg Quality Stable dimensions and good hatchability across different flock ages
Breeder Age Effect Older breeders tend to produce larger eggs with better hatchability

Ross 308 Broiler Hatching Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Ross 308 Broiler
Primary Purpose Meat production
Hatchability High hatchability, around 77.17%
Egg Production High egg production from breeder flocks
Growth Rate Rapid growth, slaughter recommended by 3-4 months of age
Chick Cost Optimization Optimized cost due to high performance and hatchability

Ross 308 Fertile Broiler Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Ross 308 Broiler
Purpose Commercial broiler meat production
Hatchability High hatchability rate; typically around 77% to 93%
Egg Size Medium to large; dependent on breeder age
Embryonic Mortality Increases with prolonged egg storage beyond 10 days
Flock Age Hatchability and egg characteristics improve with breeder age (e.g., at 45 weeks)

Ross 308 Fresh Broiler Hatching Eggs

Feature Description
Breed Ross 308 Broiler
Purpose Fast-growing broiler meat production
Hatchability Rate Around 77.17% to 93.5% depending on conditions
Egg Production High number of eggs with good hatchability for cost-efficient chick production
Egg Size Medium, typically 53 – 63g
Breeding Age Breeders typically aged 38 weeks or older
Mortality Low mortality rates during incubation